WE(美国胜美航空)华南区一级代理 ,南美国际空运航线超低震撼价收货。香港每周4.7打板出头程,MIA迈阿密转,MIA,BOG,MDE.CCS.LIM.VCP.SCL以上这些点都可以分泡。大智通国际货运为您提供专业、安全、高效、快速的空运服务,从提货、订舱、报关、商检、仓储等一站式空运出口服务。24小时服务热线400-0755-028。
WE航空提供包板包机服务,天天包板,舱位充足。欢迎广大新老客户朋友查询体验! 全球只要有机场的地方,就有大智通提供的空运服务。
WE航空提供包板包机服务,天天包板,舱位充足。欢迎广大新老客户朋友查询体验! 全球只要有机场的地方,就有大智通提供的空运服务。
The company was originally founded on November 8th 1985 as Challenge Air Cargo Inc. After many years in the business, on July 20th 2001 Challenge Air Cargo Inc. changed its name and started operating as Centurion Air Cargo Inc.
Centurion Cargo is a privately owned company founded in 2001.Based at Miami International Airport it currently operates an impressive 550,000 square foot warehouse (51,097 square meters); divided into two different sections; a 159,000 square foot (14,772 square meters) Cooler and 391,000 square foot (36,325 square meters) Dry Cargo Area, the Centurion Cargo Center is by far the largest privately owned all cargo airline facility in North America, and operates a fleet of ten MD-11F and three 747-400ERF.
Centurion is one of the leading cargo airlines operating to and from Latin America and No. 1 in the handling of live animals and perishable goods, and has recently expanded its network to 4 weekly flights from Amsterdam/The Netherlands. We also offer worldwide charter, handling and security services among others.
Being a private company allows Centurion to provide a more flexible service to meet the needs of every business.